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Moonbeam and Animo Join Forces to Shape Crypto Play

Moonbeam Network links up with Animo Industries, cutting a course in the crypto play world. This joint work aims to lift web3 play, making it broader and more weighty for players.
Moonbeam and Animo Join Forces to Shape Crypto Play

Moonbeam Network links up with Animo Industries, cutting a course in the crypto play world. This joint work aims to lift web3 play, making it broader and more weighty for players.

Moonbeam Foundation's Sicco Naets shines a light on the partnership's aim to better the play feel by weaving web3 use smoothly into play. The joint strength will see Animo using Moonbeam's forward tech. This will make it easier for gamers to get and swap in-game holdings, mixing web2 and web3 markets for a one-shop feel.

Animo’s “Stars Arena,” soon to show on Epic Games Store and Steam, also looks to start on PlayStation and Nintendo Switch. The game, with tank fights, has already stirred buzz with $9 million in NFT trade tally.

Marked for a March 1 public showing, “Stars Arena” holds out a gripping online fight feel. The partnership is lifted by looks of blockchain play's big growth — looked to jump by 400% in the next ten years. Moonbeam and Animo's venture underlines a bold step toward leading the on-chain playground, alongside works like “Shrapnel” moving into traditional play stands.

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